Field Photography - Commonly referred to by newscrews as ENG, which means electronic news gathering.

These days photojournalists use a video camera for their pictures. At 30 pictures a second they have their work cut out for them.

The equipment they use will vary on which market they work in and how much money the station has to spend. The Beta SP Camera systems and 3/4 U-matic systems have been the mainstays of most stations for their photographers. These older systems are slowly being phased out by the high tech digital cameras. These Digital Video Cameras will be the cameras that will bring television news into the next generation.

Want a Virtual Reality tour of the studio?? Click the link below for a 360 degree view of ISU's television studio. Or check out the maps page to get an idea of the station layout.


The content used in this site was created specifically for this page by myself except where otherwise noted. Thanks to Sean McGivney for the Floor Director and ENG pics used at the top of these sections. Thanks also to Sean McGivney and Shannon Bonner for their help in the early versions of this project and for assistance with the position descriptions. The use of these materials was done solely for the educational purpose at Illinois State University.

 Studio Camera

The typical studio has between one and five cameras. Some are immobile and some mobile mounted on studio pedestals or tripods. Mobile cameras are operated by a camera operator. The camera operator sets up the shots called for by the director. A director might call for a camera operator to zoom, focus, pedestal, pan, truck, track, or tilt.

Zooming and focusing are functions of the lens. "Zoom in or out" tells the camera operator to use the camera's zoom control to make the image appear larger or smaller. "Focus on weather, anchor, guest" tells the camera operator to use the camera's focus controls to focus on objects at various distances from the camera.

When you pedestal, pan, truck, track, or tilt you physically move the camera around on the studio pedestal. "Pedestal up or down" tells the camera operator the height of the camera up or down on the studio pedestal. "Pan left or right" tells the camera operator to move the lens of the camera to the left or right. "Truck forward, backward, left, or right", tells the camera operator the move the whole pedestal/camera unit in a particular direction. "Track weather, anchor, guest, etc." tells the camera operator to follow the talent. "Tilt up or down" tells the camera operator to move the lens of the camera up or down.



 Floor Director

The Floor Director is responsible for cuing the talent to which camera to turn and when to start speaking. Normally the Floor Director will stand or sit next to the cameras and use hand signals to indicate which camera and when to cue the talent to speak.

During pre-production the Floor Director will assist the camera operators and other crew in preparing the set for the production. The Floor Director is the only link for the Production Director to the studio crew and the Live On-the-Air talent. The Floor Director will also pass on commands from the Director to the talent, for example; to wrap it up or to stretch it out. The Floor Director makes it possible for the talent and the Director to work together and produce a live newscast.

Check out what some production students have to say about camera positions. Highly compressed Real Audio files (RA) clips are provided. Download the Real player and install to play the RA files, if these do not play when you click on the links below. Check out theInterviews section to hear all of the clips.

ENG (Field Photographer)

SOT1 (152K RA ) 1:13

SOT2 (87K RA ) :41

SOT3 (75K RA ) :36

Studio Camera Operator

SOT4 (211K RA ) 1:37

SOT5 (56K RA ) :27


Indiana University Radio&TV

NPPA List of Photographers' Resources

NPPA Job Information Bank

Digital photography sites created by NPPA members and others

Prof. Michael Sherer's series on News Media and the Law

University of San Francisco Television Production Class

Virginia Western Community College Radio and Television Production Department

Television Facilities--Clarion University of Pennsylvania

Chuck Pharis' Televsion

Fanshawe College Television News


Joel Johnson © 1999 Feel free to send mail to jrjohns@ilstu.edu