John Baldwin, Ph. D.
Arizona State University

Research Interests:
Dr. Baldwin's primary interest is in intercultural and intergroup communication including issues of tolerance, intercultural relationships, stereotypes, and Latin-American studies.

Dr. Baldwin takes an interdisciplinary approach to this research as well as using both quantitative and qualitative methods. He has participated on thesis committees using quantitative and qualitative methodologies, including correlations between stereotypes and communication behaviors, cross-cultural analysis of affiliative nonverbal behaviors and teacher credibility, rhetorical analysis of anti-immigrant rhetoric, as well as locus of control and social support research as they relate to cultural adaptation.

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Teaching Interests:
Dr. Baldwin's teaching interests include intercultural communication, nonverbal communication, and also enjoys instructing the introductory communication theory course.

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Contact Information:
Office: Fel 407
Phone: (309) 438-7969
Home Page:

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